Oh Blog, Nice to see you again! So we haven't totally moved out of the townhouse we were renting yet but we are getting there. Our move out date is August 31st so we had a head start this weekend. I've been packing here and there since early last week and we rented a U-Haul to get most of our stuff moved into my parent's house and the storage unit on Sunday. I never realized how much junk we have accumulated since we moved in last year. My goal is to have all the stuff moved out of the townhouse by Wednesday so I can start the heavy duty cleaning. How fun right? Thankfully my sister has offered to help me clean the place. I vacuumed what I could and wiped down the base boards in some of the cleared rooms but there is so much work to be done. Not to mention all the organizing I have to do at my parent's house to have Noah and I living comfortably there. Paxx has been anxious, he doesn't know what's going on, poor baby. We spent our first night at my parent's last night. It wasn't so bad for me, but I got my first complaint out of the hubby. That's just great. I can see this will be a hard 3-4 months.
But on another non-whining note, some work has been done on our new house. Here's a picture of the latest. It's not much, but it is a start. It's been monsooning almost a month straight now in Savannah so I didn't expect much progress. I have never lived in Savannah when it has rained this much. It's starting to depress me. But just a few months and we can start settling in our little nest. I can't wait! I hope everything stays on schedule! My fingers are crossed.