How the Baby is changing: This week the baby has gained approximately 4 ounces making her alittle over a pound and almost a foot long. Her body is filling out porportionally, her brain is growing quickly, and lungs are developing. Her skin is still thin and translucent but that will change soon.
How my Life is changing: um according to my uterus has risen above my belly button and is the size of a soccer ball! Holy cow! A soccer ball?
I went to the doctor last week and stepped on the scale to find out I have gained a total of 14 lbs. That seems like a lot to me, but the doctor says I'm gaining at a good pace. My appetite has also kicked it up a knotch too. At work I am constantly looking through my desks for hidden snacks. How bad is that? Oh well. I just hope Ava is nice and healthy :)
I came home to another New Baby Welcome Wagon gift! I think by far this is my favorite one!
L-O-V-E the I love mommy and I love daddy bibs! Just another reminder I'm going to be a mommy!!! How fun!
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