Well I survived a day from hell with my 18 month old toddler. She's finally in bed and who knows when she'll be up again.
This is how today went. I'll actually start it last night..
Ava woke up about every two hours for who knows what reason. We don't have a hard time putting her to bed but she just WON'T sleep through the night on a consistent basis. And I must have dummy on my forehead because when I go in the room half asleep to try and put her back to bed she wants me to hold her or she'll check every two seconds to see if I'm still there. But when Noah goes in there he doesn't even have to say anything and she'll lay back down! But I digress....
I finally make it back to my room and I can't go back to sleep. Ugh. I eventually am able to get a good thirty minutes into deep sleep when I hear crying at 6:55 am. So I go back into dear baby's room and I'm not in the mood to fight with her so I pick her up and we both lay on the itty bitty love seat in her room. She's all snuggled up on mommy and alseep and my legs are hanging off one end and my neck is half broken on the other end. So I, of course, can't go to sleep. Did I mention I'm 5 and a half months pregnant?! Meaning I'm already tired all the time and this position on the couch is not comfortable!
So she wakes up in a lovely mood. But commence hyper mode that lasts all day! Let's add no naps (I tried for a straight hour) and a session of feces throwing and smearing that leads to two baths.
Needless to say mommy and daddy are both exhausted. I know days like these are not the last and at least I didn't cry.
I did however want to leave and never come back at one point, drop her off at my parents' house, and threaten to throw her in the trash, and leave her on the side of the road. (don't judge me. If you are a parent I know if you didn't verbalize these feelings, you were thinking it)
Of course I wouldn't change this life for anything. I love her and we got in many hugs and kisses in still today. Its hard to be mad at her for very long.
And this is just the beginning I know.
I will now end my night by delving into self help book: Baby Whisperer for Toddlers... Wish me luck!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Man, It's Been Awhile
It's been forever since I have had a chance to sit and blog. I feel a bit lost and I'm leaving so much out.
So here's an update on what's been going on.
1) I never got a chance to write about our trip to San Jose. It was wonderful. Ava was a trooper on the plane (THANK GOODNESS) and the weather there was just perfect. We took two days to go sight-seeing in San Francisco and we were able to hit all the top spots like the Fisherman's Wharf, Muir Woods, and Golden Gate Bridge.
2) When we got back home we had a doctor's appointment to find out the gender of the baby. We wanted to surprise our close friends and family so we decided to invite a few to dinner and reveal the surprise over dessert. It was nice. Noah iced the cake and in the center was either blue or pink icing. Everyone thought we were having a boy. I just knew it was a girl. I was right :) So a house full of girls it is! For now :)
3) I was just thinking today how fast my pregnancy is going. I'm already 22 weeks and I feel like I haven't journaled it enough or taken enough pictures. With Ava, I was a bit obsessed about trying to capture every little thing. I don't want to down-play this pregnancy either because I am equally as excited. I have been feeling great so far. My belly is really starting to pop and I am feeling little jelly bean more and more every day. She is quite an active thing at night :) I have been eating alot and my appetite is never satisfied. One minute I was something salty then something sweet and it goes this way throughout the day every day. If I keep this up I might be 200 lbs by the end which BETTER not happen! I have a wedding I'm in at the end of March so hopefully I can get myself back into gear after the baby arrives. We think we have a first name picked out. Lily. Ava and Lily sound so good together. No middle name yet. Hopefully it will come to us.
4) We aren't going anywhere for Labor Day weekend. I hope to get some things done I've been wanting to catch up on like paying some attention to my yard, sprucing up some rooms in my house, picking out new bedding and decor for the nursery, and reading the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers. You see, my kid is 17 months old and we still have to get up with her several times in the night. I thought at some point she'd get the clue or we would. But as I am getting bigger this getting up thing is wearing this momma out! And Daddy is not a happy camper about this trend either. So hopefully this book can help us out. But other than all that, I want to just relax and enjoy the long weekend :)
So here's an update on what's been going on.
1) I never got a chance to write about our trip to San Jose. It was wonderful. Ava was a trooper on the plane (THANK GOODNESS) and the weather there was just perfect. We took two days to go sight-seeing in San Francisco and we were able to hit all the top spots like the Fisherman's Wharf, Muir Woods, and Golden Gate Bridge.
2) When we got back home we had a doctor's appointment to find out the gender of the baby. We wanted to surprise our close friends and family so we decided to invite a few to dinner and reveal the surprise over dessert. It was nice. Noah iced the cake and in the center was either blue or pink icing. Everyone thought we were having a boy. I just knew it was a girl. I was right :) So a house full of girls it is! For now :)
3) I was just thinking today how fast my pregnancy is going. I'm already 22 weeks and I feel like I haven't journaled it enough or taken enough pictures. With Ava, I was a bit obsessed about trying to capture every little thing. I don't want to down-play this pregnancy either because I am equally as excited. I have been feeling great so far. My belly is really starting to pop and I am feeling little jelly bean more and more every day. She is quite an active thing at night :) I have been eating alot and my appetite is never satisfied. One minute I was something salty then something sweet and it goes this way throughout the day every day. If I keep this up I might be 200 lbs by the end which BETTER not happen! I have a wedding I'm in at the end of March so hopefully I can get myself back into gear after the baby arrives. We think we have a first name picked out. Lily. Ava and Lily sound so good together. No middle name yet. Hopefully it will come to us.
4) We aren't going anywhere for Labor Day weekend. I hope to get some things done I've been wanting to catch up on like paying some attention to my yard, sprucing up some rooms in my house, picking out new bedding and decor for the nursery, and reading the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers. You see, my kid is 17 months old and we still have to get up with her several times in the night. I thought at some point she'd get the clue or we would. But as I am getting bigger this getting up thing is wearing this momma out! And Daddy is not a happy camper about this trend either. So hopefully this book can help us out. But other than all that, I want to just relax and enjoy the long weekend :)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
20 Weeks
I can't believe I'm halfway through my pregnancy! It's definitely going by fast now. I've been feeling great so hopefully the next twenty weeks will go the same.
Friday was the big appointment to determine the sex of the baby. Everyone thought it would be a boy. Everyone was wrong. So I guess I'll have a house full of girls. Sorry daddy :)
We waited until dinner to reveal the news. We went to Pearl's Saltwater Grille and I devoured 2 lbs. of crab legs :). We made a cake and Noah iced the middle pink so when we cut into the cake it would reveal the gender. It was a cute way to share the news.
Now I can start the shopping and start thinking about names. I love shopping for baby girls! As for names, I have always loved Lily. Ava and Lily. Cute right?
I'll have to write another post on our recent trip to California! We survived four plane rides with a toddler!
Anyway, happy Sunday everyone!

Friday was the big appointment to determine the sex of the baby. Everyone thought it would be a boy. Everyone was wrong. So I guess I'll have a house full of girls. Sorry daddy :)
We waited until dinner to reveal the news. We went to Pearl's Saltwater Grille and I devoured 2 lbs. of crab legs :). We made a cake and Noah iced the middle pink so when we cut into the cake it would reveal the gender. It was a cute way to share the news.
Now I can start the shopping and start thinking about names. I love shopping for baby girls! As for names, I have always loved Lily. Ava and Lily. Cute right?
I'll have to write another post on our recent trip to California! We survived four plane rides with a toddler!
Anyway, happy Sunday everyone!

Monday, July 25, 2011
I Will Never Own a Minivan
I will never own a minivan. That what I said. That's what a lot of people say. People that don't have kids. That all changed for us this weekend.
Noah has been trying to convince me for months that we need a van. I caved in this weekend.
Truthfully, it is more practical. If we wanted to travel to Virginia we wouldn't all fit in one car right now, not with two dogs, patty, Ava, Noah, and myself, and soon another car seat.
An SUV would be nice but it still wouldn't be as roomy as a minivan and they are more costly too.
We scored at the volkswagen dealership. The van we chose was not only in our price range but it offered most everything we were looking for: double DVR systems that can play two different movies (this will be our life saver on road trips), rear camera, Bluetooth, 30G hard-drive to store pictures and music on our touch-screen dash, leather seats... It was an easy choice.
So I guess there are soccer games, recitals, and car pools in our future.
lol, I still can't believe it. I also can't believe how stoked Noah is to be driving it. He doesn't look like the guy to be excited about a minivan, but he loves the newness of it right now I guess.
I wonder what's next on this journey of parenthood :)

Minivan = Megafun!
Noah has been trying to convince me for months that we need a van. I caved in this weekend.
Truthfully, it is more practical. If we wanted to travel to Virginia we wouldn't all fit in one car right now, not with two dogs, patty, Ava, Noah, and myself, and soon another car seat.
An SUV would be nice but it still wouldn't be as roomy as a minivan and they are more costly too.
We scored at the volkswagen dealership. The van we chose was not only in our price range but it offered most everything we were looking for: double DVR systems that can play two different movies (this will be our life saver on road trips), rear camera, Bluetooth, 30G hard-drive to store pictures and music on our touch-screen dash, leather seats... It was an easy choice.
So I guess there are soccer games, recitals, and car pools in our future.
lol, I still can't believe it. I also can't believe how stoked Noah is to be driving it. He doesn't look like the guy to be excited about a minivan, but he loves the newness of it right now I guess.
I wonder what's next on this journey of parenthood :)

Minivan = Megafun!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Grow belly grow

My belly is growing for sure and I still haven't announced our pregnancy. I guess it still doesn't feel real since I haven't felt any symptoms. It's made the whole first trimester go by so fast I didn't even have time to tell anyone. My co-workers are starting to figure it out for sure. A couple have even come ask me if I am. I keep telling myself, ok after the next doctor's visit and I still haven't decided on how to announce it.
I had a doctor's visit today. I have gained three pounds since my last visit two weeks ago and I received some reassurance that I am still indeed pregnant and it's not me imagining it. The baby's heart beat was 142 bpm. I live for those little reassurances! The doctor also told me at my next visit I'll get an ultra sound and we can find out if Ava will have a little sister or brother! I can hardly wait!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Love is in the Air
Friday, July 1, 2011
14 weeks
At work and it's so slow! I hope they'll let us leave early today.
Anyway, I did manage to take my first belly picture this morning for this pregnancy. I should have started sooner but oh well too late.

I wore my maternity pants for the first time too this morning. I'll be needing more clothes soon!
Noah's mom and our nieces are on the road heading down here right now. They should be arriving in about 4-5 hours. I'm not sure what we have planned. I do want to see fireworks so we might head downtown on Monday. The beach may be very hectic with traffic going to and from tybee so I'd like to avoid that at all costs. I guess we'll figure it out once everyone gets here.
Have a safe holiday everyone!
Anyway, I did manage to take my first belly picture this morning for this pregnancy. I should have started sooner but oh well too late.

I wore my maternity pants for the first time too this morning. I'll be needing more clothes soon!
Noah's mom and our nieces are on the road heading down here right now. They should be arriving in about 4-5 hours. I'm not sure what we have planned. I do want to see fireworks so we might head downtown on Monday. The beach may be very hectic with traffic going to and from tybee so I'd like to avoid that at all costs. I guess we'll figure it out once everyone gets here.
Have a safe holiday everyone!
Monday, June 27, 2011
Big week
This week is Ava's last week of daycare. Noah's mom is retiring and the big move is this week! For some that would sound like a nightmare, especially since she'll be moving in with us! But luckily our relationship is great! I'm so glad I never had the dreaded mother-in-law experience. We are so happy for Patty. Most of her life she's had to take care of everyone. She's done it with no regrets and she'd do again. This will be the first time she is doing something for herself though. She can start traveling like she's always wanted to do and maybe even find someone to spend the rest of her life with (that's my goal, she deserves it). I'm happy for Noah and Ava too. I'm very close with my family so it means alot that Noah will have his mom here and Ava can grow up with her Mimi. Anyways, it's going to be quite a weekend getting Mimi settled and then celebrate Noah's birthday! I'm looking forward to it!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Thursday, June 23, 2011
My Georgia Peach!
I'm officially in my second trimester! The first one went by so fast but I am definitely glad to have made it to 13 weeks! I feel like I'm showing a lot sooner with this baby than when I was pregnant with Ava. I need to get a ball rolling on the belly pictures since I'm showing already. It may not be noticeable if you didn't know I was pregnant but everyone that knows I am thinks I'm showing too. I probably look I'm packing on the pounds or just not holding myself together anymore to anyone else.
My next doctor's appointment is on July 5th. I doubt I'll get to have an ultrasound done but at least ill be able to hear that sweet sound that is the baby's tiny heart beating. With Ava, her heartbeat was around the 140s. With this baby, it's been a bit higher, around 160-170ish ( not sure if that has any significance or is telling of anything).
I'll probably wait to see how that appointment goes before we announce the news to everyone. For some reason I haven't been quite ready.
ugh... Come on two weeks! Waiting for the next appointment is agony!
This is how big my baby is so far :)

My next doctor's appointment is on July 5th. I doubt I'll get to have an ultrasound done but at least ill be able to hear that sweet sound that is the baby's tiny heart beating. With Ava, her heartbeat was around the 140s. With this baby, it's been a bit higher, around 160-170ish ( not sure if that has any significance or is telling of anything).
I'll probably wait to see how that appointment goes before we announce the news to everyone. For some reason I haven't been quite ready.
ugh... Come on two weeks! Waiting for the next appointment is agony!
This is how big my baby is so far :)

Monday, June 20, 2011
Another Cruzan Baby
I've been pretty slack about blogging lately and I feel horrible about it so I thought I should come back with a bang!
I haven't decided how I'll announce this news to my Facebook world yet but I just had to tell someone :)
So I thought my blog friends can find out early.
Ava will be a big sister come December and we are very excited to welcome another baby to our little family!
I've been anxiously and nervously waiting on 12 weeks to get here to give me some assurance the baby/pregnancy are on track. We had another ultrasound last week and Noah and I were able to see the baby :) He/she was very active and even waved at us! Feels good to have reached the second trimester. I feel like I can breathe a little easier.
So far I haven't had any pregnancy symptoms like being sick or fatigued. I guess I should be thankful. Hopefully the rest of the pregnancy will go smoothly. I love being pregnant :)

Here we go again :)
And please no Facebook comments as we haven't announced the news yet! Thanks!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Weekend Wrap-up
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
what I wore wednesday
I'm linking up with Lindsey for my second edition of wiww!

Tank and cardigan: forever 21
Khaki pants: old navy
Necklace: Chantelle Nicole Designs

Black cardigan: Tjmaxx
Necklace: some dept. store
Tank: target
Pants: NY and Company

Tank and belt: Target
Necklace: forever 21
Cardigan: Belk
Khaki pants: old navy

Tank : target
Shirt and skirt: forever 21
Necklace: Simply Been

Pearls: kohl's
Skirt: NY and Company
Tank: target
Belt: forever 21

Tank: wal-mart
Pearls and cardigan: forever 21
Pants: NY and Company
That was fun. See ya next week!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Weekend Wrap-up
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Mother's Day is Coming
With Mother's Day approaching in a couple of weeks, it has made me reflect on my first full year of being a mom. First thought? I survived!
I never imagined how much my life would change once we decided to become parents. Of course, it has changed in the most beautiful ways.
This year has been amazing. I have learned so many things about myself and it feels good to have a year under my belt. It has definitely gone by fast and I am amazed at how much Ava has grown and learned.
And the most important point? This year has definitely not been easy, but it has been the most fulfilling experience. Ava has given me everything. And being a mom is not the same without my supportive husband and partner. It definitely makes my job easier to have Noah there to help.
I hope that I am doing a good job so far. I guess I won't know that until Ava is older. I will always try my hardest and try to teach her to make the best decisions. I look forward to the challenges and the big moments.
To another awesome year!
I never imagined how much my life would change once we decided to become parents. Of course, it has changed in the most beautiful ways.
This year has been amazing. I have learned so many things about myself and it feels good to have a year under my belt. It has definitely gone by fast and I am amazed at how much Ava has grown and learned.
And the most important point? This year has definitely not been easy, but it has been the most fulfilling experience. Ava has given me everything. And being a mom is not the same without my supportive husband and partner. It definitely makes my job easier to have Noah there to help.
I hope that I am doing a good job so far. I guess I won't know that until Ava is older. I will always try my hardest and try to teach her to make the best decisions. I look forward to the challenges and the big moments.
To another awesome year!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
what I wore wednesday
This week I am linking up with Lindsey, from The Pleated Poppy and creator of the "what i wore wednesday" (wiww) blog series, for some fashion inspiration.
This is my first post, but a couple of posts ago I mentioned I wanted to be held accountable for putting an outfit together instead of my usual blah ensembles.
I meant to start taking pictures last week but I didn't have a full length mirror and I wasn't quite happy with how my pictures were turning out.
Anyways, I finally found success today. So this is what i wore today. It's a start :)

dress: Old Navy
short sleeve mini cardigan: Forever 21
rosette necklace: Allora Handmade
This is my first post, but a couple of posts ago I mentioned I wanted to be held accountable for putting an outfit together instead of my usual blah ensembles.
I meant to start taking pictures last week but I didn't have a full length mirror and I wasn't quite happy with how my pictures were turning out.
Anyways, I finally found success today. So this is what i wore today. It's a start :)

dress: Old Navy
short sleeve mini cardigan: Forever 21
rosette necklace: Allora Handmade
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Weekend Wrap-up
Friday, April 22, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Weekend Wrap-up
My weekend wrap-up via Instagram.

Saturday bath time with my silly monkey.

Tried Burger King's new chicken nuggets. Not Impressed.

Finally watched the latest Harry Potter. Awesome, as expected.

Finished Ava's first Easter Basket :)

Cracker Barrel breakfast. Yummy!

Silly time with mommy.

Coke Float, that's what's up!

Trip to the ER with the hubby :(

Saturday bath time with my silly monkey.

Tried Burger King's new chicken nuggets. Not Impressed.

Finally watched the latest Harry Potter. Awesome, as expected.

Finished Ava's first Easter Basket :)

Cracker Barrel breakfast. Yummy!

Silly time with mommy.

Coke Float, that's what's up!

Trip to the ER with the hubby :(
Inspiration Station
I feel like I get lazy when it comes to getting dressed. Being a mom (no excuse), I usually go for the quick tank and shirt with a pair of jeans. I am especially lazy when it comes to shoes. You can usually find me in a pair of flip flops or black flats.
My goal is to do better. I can still dress cute on a budget and still be a functional mommy right?
my inspiration:

First, I found several similar outfits online that I have in my closet already.

and second, I love the idea of taking pictures of my outfits. That gives me some accountability for making the attempts to put a decent outfit together. I don't love all these outfits, but just like how this lady used her camera.
I'm going to try this next week :)
It's actually making me feel excited to go into my closet!
My goal is to do better. I can still dress cute on a budget and still be a functional mommy right?
my inspiration:

First, I found several similar outfits online that I have in my closet already.

and second, I love the idea of taking pictures of my outfits. That gives me some accountability for making the attempts to put a decent outfit together. I don't love all these outfits, but just like how this lady used her camera.
I'm going to try this next week :)
It's actually making me feel excited to go into my closet!