Thursday, August 28, 2014

East Coast Instagram Meet-N-Greet

So I know I talk about my Instagram life a lot. It really has been a big positive aspect of my life. I am so happy to "met" so many friends there. I have seen other areas get together to meet up with local insta-bloggers so I thought it would be fun to put something together so the ladies along the east coast could meet up. 

I love meeting new people and it's a great way to have some face-to-face interaction. I am not planning anything fancy, but at least a brunch so we can enjoy a meal and get to know one another. I mean Savannah is the hostess city of the south, how could I not host a get together!?

I plan to put some goodies together for the ladies and I'm super excited that friends from out of state are potentially travelling just for this meeting! 

Stay tuned for lot of pictures that will flood your IG feed :)

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