Wednesday, August 22, 2018

What I Learned at #TBSCon

#TBSCon may be over, but I am still feeling so energized and inspired.  Last week, I shared a recap (Read it HERE). However, today I want to share what I learned from attending my first blogger conference. Even if you aren't a blogger I believe these lessons can be applied in your life as well. 

I started my blog in 2009 with no intentions of having it grow into what it is today. I would consider myself still new to the blogging world and I'm constantly learning as I go.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started...

This may seem obvious, but it is so easy to make excuses for not starting something. I think for me, it has been about jumping out of my comfort zone and the fear associated with the unknown. I have always wanted more from my blog, but I haven't spent the time to work on it so I have only myself to blame. However, deciding to attend the blog conference was my first step to changing that. By making that leap, I learned the tools to help with my blog and I walked away with a ton of things I wanted to work on.

Don't trade authenticity with approval.... 

This is something that resonated with me during the conference. The game of competition is poisonous and there is room in this industry for everyone. The great thing about being a content creator for my own blog is I can write about anything I want. What I have always wanted for my blog is for others to be able to relate; to build connections with other women and share similar stories. Genuine authenticity radiates more than trying to be a version of the ideal self. I am going to focus on topics that hit close to home going forward.

Keep an open mind and be flexible...

Things are constantly changing and it's important to be able to adapt. This blogging industry is ever-changing and in order to grow it means having to adjust and make changes. Change can be refreshing and it's important that if something isn't working it's okay to try something different. For example, there are so many ways to engage on social media these days and it can be over-whelming, but it could also be a lot of fun. I am challenging myself to find more ways to connect whether it be on Instagram stories or maybe venturing into YouTube. I would love to hear feedback from you because it will also give me some great insights and also help me learn about who is watching/reading.

Surround yourself with people who inspire you...

I think it's so important to surround yourself with people who inspire and motivate you to be better, people that celebrate your successes and offer a shoulder in bad times. I have been so lucky to have a strong support system of friends and family that encourage my passion. During #TBSCon it was great to get together with other bloggers big and small. Everyone was so encouraging and happy to share tips and tricks and offer help. It was so refreshing to see and be a part of. 

After attending this year's conference, I want to go year after year! It always feels so good to be reminded of things you should know. I hope you feel inspired to apply these lessons to your own life if you're feeling unsure of what to do next or stuck in a rut. I know it's  changed my whole mind set and I am just excited to get started! 

Photography by XXIII Photo Studio

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